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Gangnam star, releases new ‘hit’ Hangover

Just when everyone thought that Gangnam Style singer Psy, could not pull off anymore music hit, he has now joined forces with Snoop Dogg to kill music as we know it. 

A couple of  weeks ago, Gangnam Style broke the record with 2 billion pageviews on Youtube. Psy, seems to be feeling the pressure to crown that record with his new video, Hangover. 

The video is basically a summary of an alcohol fueled night out by immature college students. The imagery includes Psy vomiting tonnes into a toilet bowl and swimming in a fountain pond drunk. Meanwhile the tall lanky disoriented rapper also pulls off some pretty awkward moves. 

But one thing that stands out is that Snoop raps the whole dang song with Psy just belting out the chorus like his life wholly depends on it. Actually the video should really be Snoop Dogg featuring Psy instead. The song has received mixed reactions since its release. But since the guy is well known, Hangover has caught the world’s attention. The video currently has over 48 million views.  

Check it out and be the judge!

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